SRVLL Divisions
San Ramon Valley Little League provides a fun and organized baseball experience for youth ages 4-15. To ensure all players develop appropriately, we offer a variety of divisions suited to varying ages and abilities.
To check your player’s eligibility, please use our age calculator and visit the League Finder website to see if you live within our boundaries.
Read below to see which division would be best for your young athlete.
Tee Ball
Ages 4-6
This is our League’s entry division for players who are new to the sport of Baseball. T-Ball is not competitive and entirely for fun. No score is kept, everyone plays, and a cushioned baseball is used. Players hit balls placed on a tee. Players are generally placed on teams based on where they attend school. Official Tee Balls are used to reduce injury risk.
Guidance for selecting this Division:
If a player has not played baseball and has no experience catching a ball, throwing, or hitting, Tee Ball is the right place to start.
March - May; 2 days per week
Ages 5-6
Rookie Division is a non-competitive, developmental division for players to better understand the rules and structure of the game. Batters will be introduced to live pitching from Coaches pitching from a knee, with use of a tee if necessary. More focus on proper base-running and playing positions than in Tee Ball. Base runners are called out if a play is made in the field. There are no tryouts and everyone plays. A relatively soft, “level 1” ball is used.
Guidance for selecting this Division:
If a player is not comfortable catching a ball thrown from 30 feet away, or with hitting the faster pitching from a pitching machine, then Rookie is the right division.
March - May; 2-3 days per week
Ages 6-7
Farm Division is a non-competitive, developmental division in which batters eventually transition from coach pitch to machine pitch. Players continue to learn proper base-running and how to play different positions in the field. There are no tryouts and everyone plays. A relatively soft, “level 1” ball is used.
Guidance for selecting this Division:
If a player is developing confidence catching a ball thrown from 30 feet away and is ready to transition to facing a pitching machine, Farm is the right division..
March - May; 2-3 days per week
Single A
Ages 7-9
Single A is semi-competitive but also accommodating for players developing their skills. Hitters are introduced to faster pitches by use of a mechanical pitching machine (the Louisville Slugger Blue Flame). Use of the pitching machine makes games fast and fun, and allows for development of catcher skills for interested players. Division rules (fair play) are in-place to mandate player rotation in a variety of positions. Outs and game scores are recorded. There are no tryouts. Buddy and coach requests will be strongly considered, but not guaranteed. Upon completion of the regular season, all teams participate in a playoff tournament to determine first and second place. A harder “level 5” ball is used.
Guidance for selecting this Division:
Any 8 or 9 year old player who does not tryout, or who is not selected for a AA team will be placed on an A-level team. This is a good level for players not yet comfortable hitting faster pitching, and/or not yet comfortable with catching faster balls thrown from 60 feet away.
March - May; 2-3 days per week
Double A
Ages 8-10*
Double A is a semi-competitive and developmental division. Emphasis is on keeping games fun and interesting, along with the development of specialized skills based on position (pitcher, catcher, infield, outfield). Pitching machines will be used for the first half of the season to encourage hitters to be active and put the ball into play. Player pitch will be incorporated later in the season. Fair play rules are in-place to mandate player rotation in a variety of positions. Outs and game scores are recorded. Head Coaches draft players based on evaluation ratings – there is no team placement based upon request. To play AA, players must be evaluated prior to the season in the areas of hitting, catching, throwing, and base running.
*11 year olds may play by request, based on evaluation and board approval.
Guidance for selecting this Division:
Players looking for more challenges on the field, and ready to try facing player pitches should consider attending League tryouts to be eligible for a AA team.
February - May; 3 days per week
Triple A
Ages 9-12*
The Triple A Division is competitive and focused on preparing players for a higher level of play. AAA is player pitch only. Emphasis on developing individual and team skills to prepare them for the Majors Division. Fair play rules are in-place to promote player rotation in a variety of positions. Game scores and standings are recorded. Tryouts are conducted prior to the season in the areas of hitting, catching, throwing, and base running. Head Coaches draft players based on evaluation ratings.
*First time 12 year olds are eligible to play with parent waiver and board approval.
February - May; 3-4 days per week; Opportunity for All-Stars tournament play in Summer
Ages 10-12
The Majors Division is the most competitive division. Emphasis on applying effective fielding techniques with an understanding of game strategy to maintain a high level of play. Development of hitting mechanics to adapt to faster player pitches. Strong emphasis on teamwork and team responsibilities. Tryouts are conducted prior to the season in the areas of hitting, catching, throwing, and base running. Head Coaches draft players based on evaluation ratings. Game scores and standings are recorded. No minimum infield play rules in effect. The First Place team from the playoff tournament advances to the District 57 Tournament of Champions (TOC).
February - May; 3-4 days per week; Opportunity for All-Stars tournament play in Summer
Intermediate (50/70)
Ages 13-14
The Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division uses a 50-foot pitching distance and 70-foot base paths.
This division offers a transition for players between the standard Little League field size (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) and the Junior/Senior League field size (60-foot, 6-inch pitching distance and 90-foot base paths).
Ages 14-15
The Junior and Senior League Baseball Divisions use a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches.